Solarimetric Atlas of Paraíba

Solarimetric Atlas of Paraíba

Interactive atlas
Interactive atlas


Technological advances, the availability of scientifically established information, and the market scale produced critical conditions for the growth and consolidation of solar energy, today's fastest-growing energy source worldwide and in Brazil.

Research and Technological Development (R&D) projects have been carried out over the last two decades to meet the strong demand for reliable solarimetric data that would make it possible to understand the spatial distribution of the solar energy resource and its variability over time, taking into account attenuation by the atmosphere and the seasonal factors associated with the Earth's orbital movement around the Sun. In 2006, the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) launched the first edition of the Brazilian Atlas of Solar Energy with an innovative methodology using satellite data, which soon became a reference in the country. In its second revised and expanded edition of 2017, the Atlas points to Paraíba as one of the country's regions with the highest solar energy potential.

Over the past 20 years, public policies have been implemented to encourage power generation using renewable energy resources in Brazil. These policies aim to diversify the country's electricity mix, ensure greater energy security, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in compliance with international commitments. The first Brazilian photovoltaic (PV) power plant connected to the SIN was installed in August 2011 in Tauá (Ceará). Since then, the continuous inclusion of new projects for photovoltaic plants began, driven, at first, by energy auctions and, later, by the free market. The Normative Resolution of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) no. 482/2012, revised in 2015 by Normative Resolution no. 687, established the basis of the market for distributed power generation in Brazil. The Resolution regulates the energy compensation system to promote the growth of photovoltaic generation in homes, commercial buildings, industrial establishments, and the public sector. Law 14,300, of January 6, 2023, established the legal regime for distributed micro and mini-generation, regulating the Electric Energy Compensation System (SCEE) and the Social Program for Distributed Renewable Energy (PERS).

The production chain and services of the photovoltaic industry have contributed to the growth of the local and regional economy, promoting environmental sustainability and boosting the quality of life and social development by generating qualified jobs. In addition, it has been promoting access to energy for the population yet to be served by the conventional electrical network and the expansion of essential services for the people in remote regions. Understanding the relevance of these aspects, the Government of the State of Paraíba invested in elaborating the Solar Energy Atlas of Paraíba and made it available through this document and the interactive Web tool. The web tool provides reliable information for the public on residential/commercial self-generation and for investors in new photovoltaic energy generation plants in Paraíba.

The Atlas was developed using modern computer modeling technology and ten years of satellite data. Thus, its interactive web version allows consultation and simulation of the use of solar resources in any specific location or region of Paraíba. The uncertainties in the estimates of incident solar irradiation were determined based on observational data acquired at solarimetric and meteorological stations operated by public institutions and private entrepreneurs who collaborated with this project.

The graphical interface of the interactive WEB tool was designed to offer an intuitive and friendly experience on digital platforms (computer, smartphone, or tablet) and provides a report that can be printed or stored on the user's equipment. An interactive tutorial is available to guide users in case of doubts about consultation or simulation procedures.

Undoubtedly, this Solar Energy Atlas of the State of Paraíba represents an important milestone in the dissemination of reliable and scientifically based information on the solar power potential, encouraging investment and job creation, in addition to contributing to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through an inexhaustible, clean and abundant energy source in the region.